Wednesday, September 06, 2006

What we are fighting,who will do the best job for you and your family and why

There are many extremist groups that wish the US and the powers that be harm by any means necessary. There are many nations that would rather that we not be number one. This is the natural condition of the ecology of nation-states. Due to technology even the most minute portion of society can co-opt any creed and via the tactic of terror effect and affect even the most mighty giant. Bin-Ladin isn't an Islamo-fascist, that's a hyphenated oxymoron. He's a Theocratic Reactionary Islamic Militant Sociopath, or TRIMS.

He is of a small portion of people in the world that not only think ill of the US and of the powers that be, but are willing to die and kill anyone to achieve any infliction of pain on the "alpha" nation.

How the "alpha" nation reacts. That's the test. The tactic of terror is a mechanism for political pressure, and how members of a democracy that is so corporation dominated process intelligence, information, and events is crucial to the long term viability of our United States. Terror has caused the retraction of the rights endowed to you by your creator. Terror has allowed fear to rule the ballot box in three straight American elections. Fox News, talk radio, and the right-wing Internet are leading too many voters to false conclusions. They are tabloid driven money making machines who are not looking out for you. The Economist, a Conservative weekly, by contrast, is looking out for you. It's not Conservatism, it's the Corporate Evangelical Reactionary Neos that have hijacked that ideology and our nation. Lincoln Chafee should be in a museum as an example of more rationale times.

Terror is never going to go away. It's too easy in our 2006. We need to mitigate it, and work to change the conditions that foment support for TRIMS. Not the way Bush does.

We need a secular-scientific approach to economic development, political development, and the development of moderate societies actioned by understanding of and implementation of effective diplomacy.

I think we shouldn't underestimate the fact that the world prefers and would rather work with American Democrats then American Republicans. Our Agendas are different. Our priorities are different. We apply the scientific method augmented by a few thousand years of human wisdom to not only write better laws but also execute those law in an excellent manner.

The Democrats of 2006, not the 1990s, not of any other time. That's who we need. The Democrats who would be the 2006 Freshman Class. These Democrats are convicted by fiscal restraint, modesty, and real ethics reform as well as the best ethics of the past. Looking out for Working people. Trust busting. Freeing people from scams, corporate fraud, and general haves vs. have not abusive behavior. Health Care for all. Election Reform, Campaign Finance Reform, Lobby Reform. Let Democrats write the laws not Corporate lobbyists. Our choice is between Faith in Corporations and the Supernatural or Faith in Reason, Science, and humanity's natural and accrued values from where ever they are drawn. Values like tolerance, liberty within reason, higher wages and real benefits means more saving, more kids in College, and more people who own their lives instead of their employer and that week-to-week paycheck.

We are handing in the wrong direction with regard to economic policy. Our infrastructure cracks, we're susceptible to disaster and attack, people work harder for less pay, The Executive is experiencing no real constitutionally commanded over site.

Yes the Democrats can and will do better. Read "The Plan" the book by House Leaders. Check out "Blueprint" the policy option newsletter from the DLC. There are tons of specific policy proposals out there by Democrats. We'll debate them, vote on them and make them work. Anyone who tells you the Democrats will be no different, that they have no plans, is a liar. Democrats are superior because we are constantly evolving, learning, and growing. Progressing, pushing the boundaries of what is doable, intellectual curiosity. That's the value set of any party that can best help any nation.

The Struggle at Twilight

Items nearing the anniversary of 9/11.

Pakistan agrees to 'amnesty' for al Qaeda, Taliban.

Osama bin Laden, America’s most wanted man, will not face capture in Pakistan if he agrees to lead a “peaceful life,” Pakistani officials tell ABC News.

I guess when President Bush said he would get those people who knocked down those towers dead or alive or whatever combination of BS he used right after 9/11 he had his fingers crossed behind his back. It is very important to bring Osama Bin-Ladin to justice, I don't appreciate the way the Bush Administration marginalizes the importance of killing or capturing yes, this one guy. He's one of many, but he's an important symbol to those who wish us harm. He's the guy that brought down those buildings, surely not Saddam Hussein. Collaring the wrong perp isn't justice, it's propaganda to satiate the public demand for accountability. You want to unite Democrats and Republicans? Get this animal in a cage.

The fascist dictator in Pakistan who is our "buddy", isn't. I don't even know how much in charge he really is, it seems the Theocrats are more and more in charge.

That's right there's no such thing as an Islamo-fascist. There are Theocrats, but if Bush used the correct political scientific terms he might have to explain what a theocrat is and maybe why he isn't a Christian Theocrat. A Christian Democrat, yet warped not like Angela Merkel. He's more reactionary. He's flavored more with Leviticus then Mark.

An Evangelical Democratic Republican. Source documents are liturgical and misinterpreted. Believes in the will of the people, so long as their information is as limited as his, non-science based, faith as the concluder of open minds and open solutions and a unitarian executive theorist, who believes that the triangle of three seperate and equal branches from our Constitution should resemble some other more lordly polygon.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


For forecasting elections, try incorporating the Iowa Electronic Market into you analysis. The Wharton School at the U of Penn has a fine forecasting tool called Polly. Polly actually predicted the 2004 popular vote total on the nose.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Rock In Opposition - Paris, France April,2007

If you happen to be in Paris, do not miss The Rock In Opposition France Event, April 2007.. Magma, (and friends) will blow your head off. Seriously. For the thinking person.




You've got to love Paris in the Springtime.


Pip Pyle, RIP

Earlier this week we received the sad news that Pip had passed away in his sleep on Monday 28 August. Many of course will know Pip as the drummer with Canterbury stalwarts Hatfield And The North (who he was instrumental in reforming only last year) along with Gong and National Health. Pip will be remembered for his creative and inventive drumming, which has kept him in demand
since the early 70s.

Source: DPRP

This cat was a great, great, drummer. For more on his legacy, here.

Rocky Anderson

The Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah may have a future beyond his current position.